ARC Chiropractic offers chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture, physical therapy, and sauna services. Each treatment is rendered to fit the needs, wants, and preferences of each patient and is designed for effective recovery. Dr. Cress also ensures each patient will have the knowledge and tools to prevent and treat their issue from home. Along with our preventative care, we offer care to induce relaxation. Whether you’re looking for an injury treatment or a relaxing massage, ARC Chiropractic offers tools and services to help build your bridge to better health.
ARC Chiropractic is a fully integrated healthcare practice conveniently located at the intersection of Arlington Heights and McHenry Roads in Buffalo Grove. Utilizing Acupuncture, sport and activity specific Rehabilitation and Chiropractic medicine our physicians assist every patient in obtaining the highest level of function without the use of pharmaceuticals or surgery.